How To Get The Best Insurance Quotes Without Personal Information?

By Jim Bassett

Is it possible to get insurance quotes without personal information? This is a question that many people ask today and for good reason. Unfortunately there is always the risk of your personal details being stolen. Though the internet has revolutionised our lives in so many ways there is always the risk of identity theft from spyware and phishing scams.

The answer to the above question is yes, you can be provided a range of quotes without giving out too many of your personal details but you should realise that the information you are then presented with may not be so accurate.

If you just want to test the waters then you can get a basic idea of how much an insurance premium would cost without having to provide a mass of personal details. Once you are presented with a few quotes you can do some research into the insurers and their websites to check on their authenticity. There are many ways in which you can conduct a background check into an insurance company. A good place to start would be with the Department of Insurance, they have a website that contains extensive information on the history and background of hundreds of insurers including opinions, both positive and negative, form their past and present customers.


Think about what information would be necessary for an insurer to calculate a quote. If you are confident that the website you use is genuine then you should not have any concerns about giving out your name, date of birth, phone number, and location. Also it cannot do any harm to provide your driving record, including whether you have any infringements, and information relating to the car you want to insure – manufacturer, model, year, mileage and condition. This should be enough to give you a quote that would not vary too much at a later date.

It is important to be clear on what personal information could be used for criminal means. Your driver license number, social security number, and physical address should not be given out freely. Only provide these details when you are happy with the authenticity of the firm you are checking out.

You may need to visit a few different insurance websites to find those that do not need your complete information at the initial stage. The best strategy would be to visit an insurance comparison website that can offer a broad synopsis of the type of deals that are currently available. Such portals do not actually sell insurance they simple search a database of records to provide you with quotes.

There are also steps you can take to help ensure your private information does not get stolen. Make sure that the security suite on your PC is up to date with the latest spyware definitions. This is usually done automatically. Avoid installing free software on your system as you never know what could be lurking in the code.

Of course one of the easiest ways to put your mind at rest would be to call up an insurer in person.

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