The Compelling Bodybuilding Workout Routine

A Comprehensive Guide to Bodybuilding Workout Routine

Bodybuilding is much more than just pumping iron. It is a fine blend of the right nutrition, adequate rest, and an optimized workout routine. Each of these components plays an integral role in helping you achieve your bodybuilding goals. This article will focus on one crucial aspect of bodybuilding – the workout routine.

First, it’s important to note that a bodybuilding workout routine varies significantly depending on personal goals, body types, and fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced bodybuilder, getting a consistent and comprehensive bodybuilding regimen is key to gaining lean muscles and bolstering muscle strength.

Bodybuilding workout routines can be split into different days of the week, depending on the muscle groups you want to focus on. For instance, you may want to have separate days for upper body and lower body workouts, or even specific days for different muscle groups, such as chest, back, arms, legs etc.

The Basic Bodybuilding Split Routine

One of the most popular bodybuilding workout routine is the split routine. In this sort of regimen, the body is divided into separate parts – each targeted on a different day. Typically, this workout is spread over three to five days, as below:

  • Day 1: Chest and abs
  • Day 2: Back and calves
  • Day 3: Shoulders
  • Day 4: Arms and abs
  • Day 5: Legs and calves

This sort of arrangement allows each muscle group to receive direct attention resulting in comprehensive development.

Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Routine

Another sought-after bodybuilding workout routine is the Push/Pull/Legs routine (PPL). This routine splits your workout into three days – push day, pull day, and legs day. The push day involves exercises that require pushing movements (chest, shoulders, and triceps). The pull day integrates exercises with pulling movements (back, biceps, and forearms). Lastly, the legs day covers the entire lower body muscles.

The PPL routine can be beneficial for intermediate lifters as it allows high training frequency and a full body workout throughout the week.

The Best Supplements for Bodybuilding

Alongside these practices, using the right supplementation can significantly enhance muscle growth and recovery. One potent supplement making rounds in the bodybuilding community is SARMs. Best SARMs for muscle growth include Ligandrol (LGD-4033), Testolone (RAD-140), and Ostarine (MK-2866). These SARMs are renowned for their ability to increase lean muscle mass, enhance performance, and boost stamina, making them a vital part of a bodybuilder’s regimen.

To cap it off, remember that while the workout is massively crucial, other aspects like nutrition and rest should not be overlooked. Always tailor your routine to suit your personal bodybuilding goals and needs. Starting with a plan is key, and remember to be consistent and dedicated to your routine. It’s a marathon, not a sprint – so keep going!