Dry Skin In Sandals Is Not A Pretty Sight

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By Gloria MacTaggart
Spring is now official. It’s time to shed our heavy winter boots and clothing and don sandals, shorts, tank tops and bathing suits. However, for some of us it’s not going to be the joy nature intended. Dry skin on our legs and feet with heels like leather will make us wish we were back in our cold-weather gear. Fortunately, there is a solution: a breakthrough in dry skin care technology called shielding lotion.
Why is shielding lotion different than other dry skin products? Unlike moisturizers, a good shielding lotion bonds with the surface layer of the skin to form a new non-greasy protective layer that locks in moisture so your legs and feet are smooth as silk. Here’s what people are saying about it.
“I sell beauty supplies for a very well known company and have tried all they have to offer and never got such amazing results. I used to have to go to bed with long sleeve shirts to cover my elbows, long pants to cover my knees, and socks to cover my feet because these areas were so dry and cracked that they would stick to my bed sheets and even wake me up at night. Now I am a comfortable sleeper and never wear socks unless I have to, I can even wear panty hose without running them just by pulling them over my feet. This is the best product I have ever bought.”
“My wife has had a dry heel problem for years and has used stones, razors, multiple creams (including Rx) and the MOMENT she put Gloves In A Bottle on, she said her dry skin problem was over.”
“All my life I have suffered from severe dry skin on my legs only, not too sure why just my legs and it has always affected shaving for me. Each and every time I shave I would get rash and bumps and my hair would grow under the skin. I would scratch until it was painful then could not shave for days after, even using an electric shaver. I saw this product at Kaiser Hospital and thought it would be worth trying. It is the first time in 30 years that my skin has not only felt like baby skin but now I have NO problems with shaving or the horrible after affects that I have always experienced. I have tried soooo many products that claim to work but never did. This product has saved my skin and makes my legs look and feel beautiful.”
If you want to look great this season, get rid of dry skin with a good shielding lotion. Beautiful legs and feet will put the spring back into your step!
About the Author: Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for Gloves In A Bottle, Inc. For more information, visit
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