Therapeutic Massage Provides Pain Relief From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Therapeutic Massage Provides Pain Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Elaine Smith
Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually experienced when the wrist\’s median nerve is consistently compressed. If you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), you may feel numbness and tingling in the hand and if left untreated, the pain may spread up through your shoulder and neck.
Here is a list of symptoms that you may experience if you have a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome :
– lack of sensation in the thumb and fingers
– soreness in the palm of the hand or over the wrist
– weakness in the hand – particularly in the thumb and index finger
– lose of grip
– dry palm
– hand swelling
– palm discoloration
There are many hand illnesses that can be misdiagnosed as CT syndrome and a proper diagnosis is required before concluding that you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is best to consult your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above.
The following non surgical methods to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may be modified according to your current condition:
Give your hand a break. If some of your daily activities require hand usage, you may need to pause for occasional breaks from prolonged stressful hand-involving tasks. This may prevent your condition to be worse and may avoid chronic pain.
Putting splints or braces in the affected areas for support.
Therapeutic massage for pain relief and reduction of swelling.
Practicing daily hand exercises such as stretching and bending to improve muscle and grip strength.
Do not abuse your hand and give your hand plenty of rest.
Having a therapeutic massage can reverse the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome however it depends on how severe the condition is.
In some cases, if the condition is still new, the preliminary aid includes splinting of the affected wrist and ice application. If you use your hand for labor, you will be advised to change your posture (or sitting position) so that your hand and wrist will feel less stress.
Therapeutic massage decreases pain being experienced from muscular strain by removing lactic acid, uric acid, and other innate waste product from body tissue. Massage also lengthens the ligaments and tendons to keep the muscles flexible and strong as well as providing a powerful calming effect on the nerves of the hand.
Therapeutic massage relieves the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome such as pain, tingling sensation, burning and numbness of the hand. The massage techniques such as stroking and kneading with the application of moderate pressure from fingertips to the elbow can ease wrist pain.
Whether you need relief from pain, release of tension, reduction of stress or simply to relax and feel your best,
Elements Therapeutic Massage Woburn
is committed to promoting your well-being. Our philosophy is to work with you to exceed your expectations by matching the right therapist to your desired outcome.
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