Three Fold Approach To Holistic Health

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Three Fold Approach to Holistic Health
Victoria Bowmann
There is a three-fold approach that embraces the Spiritual, Mental or Emotional, and Physical aspects of our existence. Let\’s take a look at each one of these as it pertains to vital living.
Spiritual: many are quick to say they attend church or temple or some form of worship. The spiritual aspect of holistic health has nothing to do with the beliefs of any particular religion. Instead it is the component of our soul, our relationship to the Divine of our own understanding, and living the principles in our daily life. One might look at the way they conduct themselves in personal and business situations, and ask if this is a manner in which their personal God would be proud of their actions and words. Mental / Emotional: This aspect deals with the reactions and responses one exhibit as they interact with others. Each one carries baggage from our childhood and previous life experiences. By looking at these circumstances and resolving them, we can begin to enjoy a higher level of emotional health. One can become responders to life, instead of reactors to encounters. Another tool is working with a qualified practitioner or attending a group with a purpose of personal growth. One valuable method is outlined in the book: You Gotta Have Guts: The Natural Way to Enhance GI Health, chapter 18. A writing exercise called \”disclosure writing\” gives directives to the habitual mind as it clears and cleans away the baggage of one\’s past and current challenges. Physical: There are many different pieces of the physical components to holistic living. It has been said, \”Death begins in the colon\”. Antibiotics, food poisoning and intestinal flu contribute to this. Proper cleansing can reverse these situations. As we mature in body, mind and spirit, one expands their experiences to include many of these items. In so doing, we honor the temple given to us for this earthly experience. — Does one balance work and play and rest? — What is the quality of food one consumes to fuel the body? — Are the supplements selected of high quality and effectiveness? — Are exercise and bodywork a part of one\’s program? — Has cleansing been considered for the colon and liver?
About the Author
Want to have a copy of the book that will change your lifestyle? Want to learn something about your intestinal health? Then Watch this Video Victoria Bowmann, PhD offers easy ways to help yourself be healthier and at home. Visit
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