Top 5 Starter Strategies To Rid Your Home Of “Junk Foods”

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Submitted by: Carmen Johnson
This is the never-ending question, and in the “old days” ( before we un-junked our home), we’d come in, grab a Krispy Creme donut, a bag of Oreos, some Lucky Charms, chips, crackers and a soda..the typical anti-nutrients in a lot of American homes.
Now, the dynamics have changed. We came in to have fresh cut watermelon, the boys always now opt for a glass of icy cold water as their go-to drink, and then they’ll break out the apples and sunflower seed butter (kind of like peanut butter, just made with sunflower seeds:-). It feels so good to see them eating healthy foods that are so good for them. It’s what makes a parent’s heart warm with joy and shows us that we are doing a good job:-)
So… what can you do to start “ridding your house of junk foods?”
Here are my Top 5 Starter-Strategies that I used with my family:
1. Taking Notes: If you are averse to waste (which I am)… finish up the packaged/processed junk foods and make a mental note to buy something healthier on the next shopping visit. I suggest you keep a small note pad in the kitchen and when a “Trading Up” idea pops into your head, write that down and get it the next time you are at the store…
2. Investigate: Ask your kids what they have seen their friends eat that is healthy that they’d like to try. Put that on your list and make sure you get it the next time you are at the store.
3. Commit to stop buying bottled/packaged Drinks – This will not only save your children from needless extra calories and detrimental sugars, it will also lower your grocery bill! I personally was spending around $40 every two weeks on Liquid Calories! Now we drink water, natural teas and water kefir.
4. Be Patient: Rome was not built in a day… nor will your home be “junk-food free” in a day, either. Gradual, consistent steps over time will be much better tolerated by your family and not feel like such a deprivation.
5. Everything in Moderation: It took me a good year to get canned sodas out of my house. When your sweet child looks at you and says, “Mama, Please, can’t I have this?”… and you always feel like you are the bad guy when you say NO… then you often end up saying YES when you shouldn’t, right! So, set a rule. I teach kids to be 9-Finger-Fit (TM). That means, eat 9 good things that are super healthy for you… and then… if you must have a treat, let it be a small one and then go back to eating 9 more good things. It’s a method called Crowding Out… and over time, your child’s taste buds will change, and the “junk foods” they used to crave on a daily basis will not be that appealing anymore.
I hope these 5 Starter Strategies can help you make a difference in tackling the food battles in your home! Just commit to apply one of these steps this week and see what happens. If you are ambitious, try applying them all! You’ll be on your way to a home of healthier eaters in no time!
Lastly, if you are looking for more help than you can find in a simple newsletter, give me shout! I’ll point you in the right direction, match you up with someone who can address your specific dietary needs, or perhaps, help you myself!
Here’s to Raising a Home of Healthy Eaters!!
About the Author: Carmen Johnson, BCHC (Board Certified Health Coach) is a driving force in helping parents and children answer their most burning questions… WHY? Why can’t I have lots of sugar and processed foods? What’s for lunch & What’s for Dinner? For parents and children alike, Carmen simplifies all the complicated science around eating into a simple pattern that allows adults and children to make eating healthy so much easier! To see her free video series for kids,check out
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