What Is There To Look Forward To After, ‘The Secret’?

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By Ted Cantu
The last few years have been quite revealing to say the least. It is the first time in recorded history that we are able to peer into each other’s culture with the touch of a button. I know a lot of friends of mine could really give a hoo ha over this amazing discovery but I find it fascinating. This is the first time we can look into other cultures and belief systems around the world. The Internet has made this world a heck of a lot smaller.
This expanded view has gotten me to think deeper about many of my favorite subjects. It has also gotten me to expand my view on the latest book sensation, ‘The Secret’. This self help book expands the wealth attraction views of Dr. Wattles and many others. These beliefs, that you can attract virtually anything you desire, is very liberating. You will find many of these common belief elements drawing in from many sources including the Zohar, Judaism and Hinduism. More to the point it is a Universal approach that I find so appealing.
No doubt this has attracted a lot of negative attention from media giants such as ABC, (who took the time and expense to create not one but two negative specials against the bestselling book, ‘The Secret’). In a chapter from Dan Kennedy’s, ‘Wealth Attraction’ book he sort of spells out his disapproval for placing your best wishes in the higher spiritual realm. He goes on to explain that reaching out to a higher power has very little to do with any kind of wealth attraction. Just when you think this multi millionaire maker takes all the fun out of life you need to jump up to the next chapter.
In this chapter he explains the concept of Tithing. This popular belief talks about giving back to the greater good when you can afford it. By tipping and giving as little as 10% one can expect to find a quadruple amount of money coming back to the giver. In fact, Kennedy is talking about a mysterious 400% coming back to him for doing something simple as tipping appropriately when needed. After reading how dumbfounded he was upon stumbling upon this phenomenon I decided to forgive him for his earlier remarks in his book. I concur with his beliefs and found my experiences to be met with dead on accuracy. Like Kennedy I cannot figure out why this occurred in my situation. I find it fascinating.
Testing The Boundaries of Infinite Possibilities
I decided to push this to the brink and make these concepts speak to me. In order to do that I began to tip 20% in restaurants when I dined out and met with clients. I gave freely without any expectations and was stunned to find out that jobs would pop up out of thin air. I would get calls from people for clients and future projects. I had my hand on the throttle to feed me work. I found this to be the case even though I live in Michigan, which is one of the most economically strapped states in the country.
I became intrigued with the connection of the brain, the mind and creating abundance. I was interested in true synchronicity and the act of performing daily miracles in one’s life. I had read the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer but it wasn’t enough. I needed to find the guts of this interaction with the infinite and find out if there was any truth to positive thinking and reaping incredible physical rewards.
Mental conditioning for wealth was crucial and I needed to see more examples of it in action. The reason why this means so much to me is because of all the recent fads in money making. Many of these techniques are a quick doorway to wealth, (pay per click, Google Ad words etc.) but what happens when that technology runs out. For many people it goes back to serenity again and praying for a miracle to arrive in another format. That wasn’t good enough for me I wanted to unlock the secret mechanisms for wealth attraction and cultivate it into a fundamental practice.
From all of my studies into ancient cultures I figured out that the brain’s true purpose is much like a magnet. It acts on a negative and positive reaction and pulls on like minded frequencies. This includes people, situations, and environments. There are elements of truth to this in Hawaiian culture, (Hoopopono), Judaism, and Hinduism belief systems. We are always taught to think positively but are never really given any incentive to do so. Once I found out that by feeding your mind positive thoughts you are giving it fuel to fall into positive situations.
P.T. Barnum was king of all curiosities and later became internationally famous for his contributions to the circus, ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’. But Barnum was famous to me for another reason. He labeled his practice of working with the Universal greatness as the ‘Ten Rings of Power’. They are closely aligned with the techniques shared in, ‘the Secret’ and this served him throughout his entire lifetime. He had a real affinity with the people he served in with those he worked closely with. He had a series of great triumphs and tragedies throughout his life. He was able to come back stronger than ever after each bout of unfortunate events.
Most people give up after they encounter a negative downfall. Barnum was able to dust himself off and in many times reinvent himself. Once after he lost everything his dearest friends and associates chipped in and got him out of bankruptcy. He suffered the loss of his wife and two children in a horrendous fire and lost two of his museums in fires and yet, was able to rebuild.
The really odd thing I found in Barnum’s rise to greatness was his deliberate avoidance of alcohol. He said it tainted the brain and made it fuzzy and made it literally impossible to attain wealth. He was a staunch advocate for sobriety. There are references to this too in Hinduism. It blocked the doors to the Universal wisdom and kept man from achieving his highest self. Riches and wealth would be harder to obtain while taking in alcoholic beverages. I found several records of this type of warning too while reading the lives of the saints, most notably, Saint Hellarion.
So you see there is more to, ‘The Secret’ than meets the eye. It is more than a self help pep book. It is based in some solid rooted mind and brain fundamentals. You have to look for the clues as you study this amazing phenomenon. There were too many gaps in the works of Anthony Robbins and Dyer for me to put things into one continuous cohesive success model. I had to go out on a limb and find these out for myself. I needed to see these things in action.
But I got to be honest. It has been a blast to test these out for myself and to live this experience. I made myself a guinea pig and put myself and my entire life to the test to see what was real and what wasn’t. I conclude that there is a whole other world out there that needs to be experienced. I have only seen a brief flashing glimpse of the Universal greatness. It is truly fascinating. I encourage you to go out and create your own success stories / adventure.
What an amazing world we live in.
About the Author: Ted Cantu can be found at 1seomichigan.com he consults companies on making smart powerplays and getting plenty of Google attention.
Source: isnare.com
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