Why You Should Join A Dating Affiliate Program

By Stephanie Constantina

Why join and promote dating affiliate programs? To begin with, dating affiliate programs are amongst the most successful affiliate programs on the net. The online single dating memberships sites have become huge over the past few years and they continue to grow fast. You may not have thought about singles dating as an area to break into in your marketing efforts, but in many ways this subject area is ideal for attracting visitors and sign ups.

Single dating is one of those areas of human life that will always ‘sell’; like the need for food or clothing, human relationships are a basic need. Combine that with one of the best foundations of an online business, namely affiliate programs, and you have a very successful combination.

But is promoting single dating affiliate programs for you? Online single dating has certainly become ‘cool’ in recent years as more and more people lack time to go out and search for potential partners. The old ‘computer dating agency’ image from pre-Internet days is long gone.


But we all know that nowadays it is best to write articles and provide plenty of website content if we are to rank well in the search engines and pull in visitors. Could you write about singles dating?

To answer this consider first that there is plenty of syndicated content about single dating out there that you can use on your website or blog. You can find it at the big article syndication sites. Most good dating affiliate programs also provide articles, graphics, search boxes and banners that you can use on your site, customized with your personal ID number to record click-thrus.

In addition to all of this, could you write your own material? At first site this might seem challenging. However, consider this. Most people have some experience of dating others, some experience of relationships, even failed ones. So in promoting dating affiliate programs most people who can write articles could write based on their own experiences, explore what can go wrong on dates or in relationships, or talk about what can go right. Such writing needs to be balanced and carefully thought out.

This will not make you a dating or relationships expert, but if it is from the heart it will certainly count for something and be worthwhile to assist others, regardless of whether people click on your dating affiliate links. But the fact that you are writing from the heart will encourage them to do so. Personally written material at your site will also count for more with the search engines, boosting your ranking.

Here’s a tip: the best way to promote a dating affiliate program is to encourage people to sign up for your mailing list before you send them to the site behind the affiliate program. That way you can promote to the same visitor more than once.

Note that it is not without good reason that promoting dating affiliate programs has become a competitive area in the search engines. So try to make your offering unique, tie it into your own perspective. Also help to promote your new dating pages through increasing your link popularity – very important these days. You can exchange links with SingleDating.com for example – look for the ‘link to us’ link at the site. Why not give dating affiliate programs a try!

About the Author: Stephanie Constantina writes for


. Find out which dating affiliate program SingleDating.com recommends after 8 years online by going to

Dating Affiliate Programs



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