Legal Highs A Closer Look At Legal Herbs.

By John Wellington


legal herbs

are also referred to as legal alternatives to marijuana. Basically

legal herbs

are different varieties of plant species that can be either smoked or burned like incense to produce a sense of well being, and for some individuals, euphoria or a mild marijuana like effects. Comparatively speaking, marijuana alternatives like legal herbs are less expensive their illegal counterparts, and are agreeable to smell without any noxious odors.

One can purchase different strains of legal herbs that are available from online retailers for very reasonable prices. These vendors feature legal herb varieties that are a potent, pleasurable alternative to tobacco products, and are available in different forms also, for instance buds, blends and smoking herbs.


Retailers of legal herbs carry similar; Marijuanilla, Kanna, Blue Lotus, Wild Dagga and Damiana are few of the well-liked legal herbs and each one of them is said to have different therapeutic actions. Sites that feature legal herb products for sale such as



are promoted as potent and exotic, a healthy alternative.

In the case of Damiana, it is said to act as a mild aphrodisiac and creates a feeling of euphoria that can go on up to 1 hours. This also acts to stimulate the genito-urinary tract. Whereas Wild Dagga and its close relative Marijuanilla are dubbed as the best legal herb alternatives available; both generate a pleasant euphoric effect, and the smoke produced is smooth and pleasant tasting. A potent legal herb, Kanna has been around for centuries as a mood enhancer and is related to St. Johns Wart, which is mainly used to treat depression. It is a good idea to check first with your doctor, especially if you are taking any medications before you use any type of herbal or dietary supplement.

Just like any other smoking substances there are certain risks involved when inhaling or burning any type of legal herb. As with a majority of combustible substances, the tars and toxins of the plant are prone to be released into the air or into the lungs. Any substance that has been smoked regularly has been shown to have detrimental effects on health; as a result moderation is the key. In spite of the occasional use of legal herbs has not been linked to any long term health effects, but just as with anything, use with care and common sense.

If you would like to learn more, you can purchase a copy of Legal Highs: A Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Herbs & Chemicals with Psychoactive Properties by Adam Gottlieb, to view a complete listing of a number of substances used by people around the world for various reasons. Definitely worth checking out!

About the Author: John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for




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